Russia will participate in PIRLS-2021 and PISA-2022

In April 2021, two major studies of the quality of education of schoolchildren are planned in the Russian Federation: the PIRLS-2021 study (conducted by Association for the ‎Evaluation of Educational Achievement IEA) and the approbation stage of the PISA-2022 study (conducted by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The studies, which are already traditional for Russia, will be conducted by the Federal Institute for the Assessment of the Quality of Education, a subordinate organization of Rosobrnadzor.

The PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) is an international study of reading and comprehension quality compares the level and quality of primary school students around the world, as well as identifies differences in national education systems. The sample of the study will be more than 7.5 thousand fourth-graders from 296 schools in 43 regions of the country.

The PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) is a comparative study of the quality of education, which assesses the knowledge and skills of students of educational institutions at the age of 15. Russia has been taking part in the PISA study on a regular basis since 2000, constantly improving its results. The PISA 2022 study will assess math, reading, science and financial literacy, as well as creative thinking.

The results of both studies will be published in December 2022.

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